Wednesday, February 3, 2010

20 minutes with Calvin R.

I've only known Calvin Rilley for maybe about three months since I've attended Lester Arnold high school. Even though Calvin looks all tough and older than most high school boys he is barely sixteen years old. I was actually very surprised when he revealed his age to me. School through Calvin's eyes sucks butt, but if he had to absolutely choose a favorite subject it would have to be English. Music helps most people relieve stress and helps people get by everyday life... Yet to most people alike Calvin it is a start to good days, his favorite song starting a fabulous day is Frustrated by Doomsday. If you had the chance to spend a night with a celebrity who would it be and why? To my surprise Calvin chose Krazie Bone because they smoke about the same amount of weed.

Underneath all the bad boy appearance Calvin has a very touching side. Yes this bad boy's heart is taken by Maryjane Torres<33.>

Friday, January 22, 2010

President Nixon's Watergate Scandal

President Nixon's Watergate Scandal began June 17, 1972. The Watergate scandal is the illegal activity that took place at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate Hotel complex in Washington D.C. Five men were caught breaking into the national headquarters of the democratic fund and arrested on spot. The names of the men include: Bernard Baker, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez, James W. McCord Junior and Frank Sturgis. Others accused were E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordan Liddy. All men were convicted, including Nixon.

The article "The Watergate Scandal" by Staff Writer and the article "Watergate Scandal" by an unknown writer talked about the same thing except that the second article gets to the main details specifically. The organization on the second article was also very neat and organized by formating what happened in order. It also goes from the general explanation of the inccident then to the break in, to the investigation, the tapes, Saterday Night Massacre, ect.

The contents of the second article include;

  • 1 Break in
  • 2 Investigation
  • 3 Tapes
  • Final Investigations and resignation
  • 5 Pardon and aftermath

The first article is mainly about 7 articles discussing The Watergate scandal, IT IS VERY SHORT AND BRIEF WHICH IS A PLUS IN MY OPINION.

If I had to choose to read one of the articles I'd most likely choose the first article by Staff Writer. I am not the type of person that reads about politics and would prefer a more brief article on any type of incident. I have studied this story many times in class and honestly believe President Ford should have not pardoned Nixon for his actions. When Ford did not have a chance to be reelected due to his pardon of Nixon I felt pleasure:P